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Responsible Travel

Responsible Travel: The NTP Way

The travel industry is obliged to practice Eco-responsibility. Being a responsible travel company, we do our bit by using emission-tested vehicles and minimising paper usage. Travel generates a carbon footprint. You have the chance to shrink your carbon footprint. It doesn’t have to involve using alternatives to air travel, which is impractical for most. A practical way of lowering the carbon emissions in your vacation footprint is to ensure that you get around places in emission-tested vehicles.

As a responsible travel company, we ensure that you explore only in vehicles whose emissions are in line with the legally permissible amount mandated by the government. The vehicles release lesser pollutants into the air, helping maintain the air quality of cities. Pulp and paper are major industrial polluters of air, water and soil. Paper waste makes up 30% of landfill waste. There is no need or excuse to use paper files when email and digital documents can easily take their place. With this in mind, we have minimised the use of paper in our operations.

Specifically, we take printouts when absolutely necessary. Upon your arrival, we share only the most important trip information via paper copies. A majority of all our communication occurs via email. As a responsible travel company, we work with local communities to design tours that not only offers an enriching experience to the travellers but benefits local community.

Responsible Travel - Meaning for us

Responsible tourism is widely regarded as the set of decisions and behaviours that reduce the negative impact of travel on the environment, economy and culture. We ardently support our local communities, invest in eco-friendly measures and never allow the mistreatment of animals on our tours. Responsible tourism is widely regarded as the set of decisions and behaviours that reduce the negative impact of travel on the environment, economy and culture. Being a responsible travel company, we ardently support our local communities, invest in eco-friendly measures and never allow the mistreatment of animals on our tours. Our partnerships with local NGOs and community members enable us to provide heritage walks and other tours that celebrate the diversity of cultures, capture the feel of places and assure engaging photo walks. A talented storyteller or heritage leader from the community leads you on NTP Supports and practices Responsible Tourism in following three ways.

Community Tourism & Animal Friendly Tours

We promote tours that support local communities and also offer enriching experiences to our guests. We promote only animal friendly tours where animals are not treated in a harsh manner. A host of villagers across India have benefited through this initiative.

Reducing Carbon

All our vehicles are emission-tested vehicles and maintained in a manner that reduces the pollution. We reduce the use of paper by taking printouts when absolutely necessary. Upon your arrival, we share only the most important trip information via paper copies. A majority of all our communication occurs via email.

CSR Initiatives

We are committed to assisting vulnerable populations that require financial aid to lead healthy and dignified lives. Our donations to senior homes and children’s charities are making a meaningful difference.

Our Initiatives can be catered only with your support: For Responsible travel with NTP email us on

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